NOTE: Please connect with us for other routes, we offer huge discounts on other routes.
Patna to Muzaffarpur Cab Service Distance: Approximately 85 km Travel Time: Roughly 2.5 - 3 hours by road. Price: INR 1850 /-
Patna to Gaya Cab Service Distance: Approximately 100 km Travel Time: About 2-3 hours by road. Price: INR 2200 /-
Patna to Ara Cab Service Distance: Approximately 60 km Travel Time: Roughly 1.5 - 2.5 hours by road. Price: INR 1500/-
Patna to Motihari Cab Service Distance: Approximately 155 km Travel Time: Roughly 3-4 hours by road. Price: INR 3600 /-
Patna to Darbhanga Cab Service Distance: Approximately 140 km Travel Time: Around 3-4 hours by road. Price: INR 2700/-.
Patna to Samastipur Cab Service Distance: Approximately 90 km Travel Time: Around 2-3 hours by road. Price: INR 2200 /-
Patna to Begusarai Cab Service Distance: Approximately 120 km Travel Time: About 3-4 hours by road. Price: INR 2800/-
NOTE: Price changes as per car varient; the above price is for sedan cars with luggage carriers.
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